On Saturday I bought 5 raffle tickets (to increase my odds of winning) for the Urban Craft Centers (UCC) Quilt for a Cause, fundraiser for Haiti. UCC gave everyone who wanted some, the same Alexander Henry Green Owl print and gave some directions for making quilt squares. Some of the girls from LAMQG made squares at the last weekend sew (which I missed), see my friend Abi's blog for a post about the weekend sew. All these various squares were then turned into 3 baby sized quilts, which were then raffled off, and I won one! I was thrilled, because I love the idea that it was made as a fundraiser, and I also have a new obsession/love for String block quilts (I took a picture of the whole quilt as well as my favorite block in the quilt).
On Sunday I worked on quilt squares all afternoon and Skywalker did some of my chores so that I could keep piecing blocks together. How great is he?
Monday was brought one of my favorite days of the month, and the LAMQG monthly meeting. Emily's blog has a nice post about it, including a picture of me holding my new quilt (don't look at the weird closed eye face I am making). I brought the quilt I had one to the meeting for show and tell, because I knew some of the ladies might have made squares in my quilt. I often can't sleep after LAMQG meetings, because of the abundance of ideas floating around my head. Next meeting my goal is to have the "Jungle and Forest Friends" baby quilt finished and ready to share, a lofty but possibly doable goal.
Last night my husband made me the happiest girl in the world. He came back from a business trip with a lovely new purse (see the picture below) in tow. If you know my husband at all, he is anti adding to my purse collection, especially slightly expensive ones, and he is also not the most spontaneous person in the world. He likes to think about purchases for months before buying them. So this was an amazing and unexpected present in so many ways and is already in use today.
My last happiness of the week, is crafting related. Although I have to have a weekend away from sewing this weekend, I am going to Arrowhead with my mom to attend our 2nd annual Scrapbooking weekend. Weekend away with mom + hours and hours of cropping = a very very happy Katie. If I make any brilliant layouts, I will be sure to post pictures.
Hey - thanks for the link :) I love your little quilt and your purse - what a nice husband you have!